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Meet Rachel
As a young widowed mother, Rachel turned to drugs to cope until Thurston County Drug Court offered her a second chance. Drug Court became the turning point in Rachel's life that introduced her to 12-step programs, gave her family a community and connected her with the resources she needed to get on her feet.
Because of the programs and services offered in Thurston County as well as her own dedication and grit, Rachel has now held leadership roles for the State of Washington, Thurston County and King County supervising hundreds of employees and managing multi-million dollar budgets.
Rachel wants to help people in Thurston County go from unhoused to homeowner, unemployed to thriving, and hopeless to hopeful - and she hopes to earn your vote.
From a family of Iowa farmers, Rachel has lived in Thurston County for 30 years. She is the child of founding Evergreen State College faculty.
One of Rachel’s first jobs was as a clerk at a union grocery store. She was a shop steward, and describes the experience of organizing with coworkers as her first experience of her own power.
Rachel has a Masters in Public Administration from the Evergreen State College.
Rachel currently commutes, often from her living room, to King County and their Department of Community and Human Services Behavioral Health Workforce Investments Manager.
Previously, she worked as budget chief for Washington State’s Department of Health and Human Services (DSHS) and a Business Operations Administrator for the DSHS Office of Forensic Mental Health.
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