Featured on Brave Spaces


Featured on Brave Spaces

Brave Spaces is a periodic feature from the DSHS Behavioral Health Administration. 



Transparency & Fiscal Responsibility

Rachel strongly advocates for transparency in governance and fiscal responsibility. She emphasizes the importance of open communication between county government and its constituents, ensuring that decision-making processes and budget allocations are clear and accessible to the public. Rachel champions the right of people to have a voice through county-wide, community-proposed initiatives


Housing & Homelessness

Rachel sees housing as a human right and will ensure access to affordable housing, prioritizing the needs of residents who are unhoused. Rachel will work innovatively and collaboratively to address housing inequities while supporting existing programs, working to expand affordable housing and create more emergency housing options for those in need.


Public Health & Safety

Rachel has tackled public health initiatives, including responding to opioid epidemic, head-on while collaborating with local, state, tribal, and federal agencies, lawmakers, and law enforcement. She will continue this work with Thurston County, including collaboration with the Sheriff’s Office.


Environment & Agriculture

Rachel recognizes the importance of preserving our natural and agricultural lands while accommodating growth. Rachel will advocate for smart growth policies that promote infill development, mixed-use zoning, and the preservation of green spaces. She will also support measures to protect agricultural lands from encroachment by suburban development through strategic land-use planning and conservation easements.
